Admission open for the Academic Year 2025 - 2026
S. No. Name of the research project/ endowment Name & Department of the Principal Investigator/ Co-Investigator Amount Sanctioned (Rs) Name of the Funding Agency
1 Crop and Fertilizer Recommendation Using Deep and Machine Learning Through Farm Tech Mr.S.Narayanan CSE 15000 i-Master Technologies
2 IOT Based Embedded Systems and IOT Lab Monitoring System Mr.S.Prem Kumar ECE 10000 Polenza Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Total amount in Lakhs 0.25
3 Investigation on Mechanical Property of Aramid Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials for Automobile Applications Mr.M.Arul Murugan MECH 7500 JPS Technologies, Arcot
4 Design and Implementation of Non-Isolated Multiport ISOP Converter with Sliding Mode Controller Dr.B.Shanthi Saravana EEE 4000 Green Sun Solutions
5 IOT based Mobile Application for E-Farming using Machine Learning Mrs.S.Sharmila IT 15000 i-Master Technologies
Total amount in Lakhs 0.265
6 Voice based e-mail for the visually impaired people using intractive voice response Mr.S.Narayanan CSE 15000 i-Master Technologies
7 Investigation of Power Signal Disturbances in Power System Using Discrete Wavelet Transform Dr.P.Muugesan EEE 3000 Green Sun Solutions
8 A Novel Big Data System Model for Predicting Homocidal Disease in Health Framework Mr.G.S.Gunanidhi IT 15000 i-Master Technologies
Total amount in Lakhs 0.33
9 Design and Analysis on Performance of Controller in Boring operation Mr.B.Shanmugasundaram MECH 7500 JPS Technologies, Arcot
10 Women safety empower and tracking system Mr.S.Premkumar ECE 5000 Shreram Instruments
11 IOT based Energy Meter and Billing System Mr.S.Sivaperumal ECE 5000 Shreram Instruments
12 Detecting and blocking phishing E-mail using false positive rate technique Mr.E.Sivarajan CSE 15000 i-Master Technologies
13 Design and Research of Big Data Analytic System Model for Predicting Academic Performance of Students Mr.G.S.Gunanidhi IT 15000 i-Master Technologies
14 Understanding the Trust Evaluation in an Online Voting System Mrs.D.Shobhana IT 15000 i-Master Technologies
15 Renewable Energy Based Battery Charger Using Contactless Transformer for EV Dr.R.Umamageswari EEE 4000 Green Sun Solutions
Total amount in Lakhs 0.665
16 IOT based Smart school bus monitoring and notification system using GPS/GSM Mr.G.Jayachandran CSE 15000 i-Master Technologies
17 An Efficient Design And Control Of Solar Tree For Multiple Applications Using Flyback Converter Mrs.R.Thenmozhi EEE 4000 Green Sun Solutions
18 Trustworthy Multipath Routing in Manet Using Flip-Flop AOMDV Algorithm Mrs.S.Sharmila IT 15000 i-Master Technologies
Total amount in Lakhs 0.34
19 Analysis and implementation of fuzzy based digital control strategy for four quadrant 3 phase BLDC motor with MPPT control Mrs.R.Thenmozhi EEE 4000 Green Sun Solutions
20 Transformer Condition Monitoring Through IOT Technology Dr.P.Murugesan EEE 4000 Green Sun Solutions
21 Woman security based on IOT using smart ticker analyzing crime rate using big data Mr.K.Jayakumar CSE 15000 i-Master Technologies
Total amount in Lakhs 0.23