Students Life
The College has a Special Programme Officer Mr. P. Manisankar, Associate Professor / MBA. The main objective of the NSS is to "Serve the downtrodden in the society" and "Personality Development through Community Service". The NSS unit of Adhiparasakthi College of Engineering has carried out blood donation camps, Awareness programmes on 'Health and Hygiene', Consumer Rights, Environmental Protection etc.
Various technical societies of Adhiparasakthi College of Engineering namely ARTIFEX for Civil Department, ZEBECS Computer Society for CSE and Information Technology Department, E-SPARK for EEE Department, CIAFEC for ECE Department and MASS for Mechanical Department conduct a State level Inter-Collegiate Technical Symposium every year on the latest developments and inventions in the respective field of Engineering.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL (EDC)is promoting entrepreneurship among the youth is to nurture a passion for self-employment. This will open gates for creation of new knowledge-based innovative hi-tech ventures, industries and new breed of technopreneurs and more avenues of employment opportunities thus turning job seekers into job creators and in the process, leading the nation towards industrial excellence and self-reliance. The Entrepreneurship Development Cell of this college aims towards achieving the above.
The College is committed to promote sports activities towards the all-round growth of its students. The campus has indoor facilities for Chess, Carom, Table Tennis, Volley Ball and Badminton and out-Door facilities for Cricket ,Volley Ball, Foot Ball, Tennis, Ball Badminton. We have two qualified Physical Education staff to train the students.
Students sent for participating in the Inter-Collegiate Sports and games have won many trophies in various events. Our Students has won many tournaments in national level inter-collegiate matches.
Students sent for participating in the Inter-Collegiate Sports and games have won many trophies in various events. Our Students has won many tournaments in national level inter-collegiate matches.
Student Services
An exclusive counseling system which monitors the students' performance in order to effectively counsel, help and guide the students towards effective learning. Full time Students' Counsellor and Faculty Counsellors counsel the students. Counselling is provided to all students to improve overall performance.
This cell offers resources, guidance and support for students aspiring for higher studies in India and abroad. Information on Universities, Programmes, Cost of Study, Cost of living, VISA guidance, bank loan etc., are some of the services provided by the cell.
Industry - Institution Interaction Cell
Our students are nurtured and developed into industry ready professionals through exposure to real time industry working and practices, by way of in-plant training in leading industries. Some of the industries where our students underwent in-plant training are:
- Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd., (BSNL), Chennai.
- Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., (BHEL), Ranipet.
- TVS Electronics Ltd., Chennai.
- Brakes India Ltd., Padi.
- Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Chennai.
- Doordarshan Kendra / Prasar Bharathi, Chennai.
- Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Chennai.
Our students are provided with adequate exposure to the industrial practices through visit to reputed industries. Accompanied by Faculty members, students are given practical side of their curriculum learning. Some of the industries visited by our students are:
- Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli.
- Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Chennai.
- L & T, Ooty.
- Doordarshan Kendra, Chennai.
- NARL, Gadangi
- ISRO, Sriharikota.
The Various Clubs are
- CleverBot Club
- Electronics Club
- Energy Audit Club
- Code Club
- MechMass Technical Club
- Marketing Club
- Finance Club