Sakthi Thiru R. Karunanidhi
A Message of Excellence from Sakthi Thiru R. Karunanidhi, Principal, Adhiparasakthi College Of Engineering
Dear Adhiparasakthi College Of Engineering Family,The rapid development in the field of technology has accelerated the demand for value based engineering education which is qualitative, progressive, multidimensional and globally competitive. We give the students an ideal learning environment through interactive class–room teaching, tutorials, lab practical's, industrial visits and lectures by industry experts for the industrial exposure of students.
Persistent efforts are being made by our placement team to place our students in encouraging and respectable positions in the industry. The aim of the college's Placement Cell is to provide 100% placement to all students. For this, the Cell in conjunction with the Soft Skills department holds mock interviews and group discussions on a regular basis. We firmly believe that support, guidance and assistance given to the students at pre-placement stage proves immensely helpful to them in getting a job.
With best wishes to our students.